Build Honesty & Integrity: Learn About Cheating with Edufrienz!
Here’s what’s inside:
- Clear explanations: Age-appropriate language breaks down the concept of cheating and its impact.
- SEL-focused activities: Engaging exercises like role-playing scenarios and reflection prompts help children internalize honesty and integrity.
- Real-life examples: Relatable situations like tests, games, and homework make learning practical.
- Benefits for your child:
- Develops self-awareness about the importance of honesty.
- Builds self-management by learning to avoid shortcuts and strive for understanding.
- Fosters social awareness by promoting fairness and respect.
- Enhances relationship skills by encouraging honest communication.
- Develop responsible decision-making skills by understanding consequences.
Bonus! The focus on self-expression through writing activities can also improve your child’s English skills.
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