
Our Subscriptions

Frequently Asked Questions

Our 30-day free subscription plan allows you to sign up for free without the need to provide credit card details. Simply register an account with Edufrienz to access our range of free downloads. Upon expiration of the free plan, you have the option to sign up to any of our paid plans, ensuring continual access to our extensive resources.

We are offering a special promotional price (*) on a limited time offer. The usual price will be the regular price subscribers will be paying once the promotion has ended.

The prices vary accordingly to the different duration of the subscription. In addition, we have set price schemes for Individual and Schools/Organization.

Our Individual plan caters to parents or individuals who is subscribing for personal usage.

Our Schools/Organization plan caters to preschools/kindergartens/institutions who is using it for a broader group of students or a corporation environment. Users will likely do bulk printing to cater to their locations.  Each plan is catered to one location. For three or more locations, do write to us ( separately while we offer a special discount.

For any cancellation, there will be NO refund. Your cancellation is with immediate effect, hence your access to the resources will also ceased immediately.

We strongly recommend that you make the cancellation only on the day your subscription expired to enjoy the benefits. 

Yes. The respective plan will be renewed automatically if there is no cancellation request prior to the expiry. Upon the auto renewal of the new duration, there will not be any refund as per our terms and conditions. You need to cancel the plan a day prior to the expiry dates.

Once your subscription is cancelled, your access to the resources will also ceased immediately.

To enjoy full access to the resources, please cancel the subscription ONLY on the expiry date.

You can write to us; we will connect with you of collaboration opportunities where you can share with your community.

Yes, you can sign up with as an affiliate where you can share this great offer with your social network and get our rewards for every successful sign-up.