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Let’s Learn about Recycling (General Introduction) – Digital Printable

US $2.99

This edition is a part of Edufrienz’s library of learning and activities worksheets. We have specially created this exclusive content to support your children’s learning and development purposes.

Worksheets are a good introductory and fun method to get our children started for new learning topics and familiarize them with more practices.

Each edition will come with a series of activities to aid our child to learn basic concepts of the different types of waste. A simple definition will be provided for the conceptual understanding following by added activities to strengthen their familiarity.

This edition will provide a good overview of an introduction to recycling. The activities start with simple explanation on the environment and how is recycling important. There are also a series of activities that help our kids learn on how to apply in our daily lives.

Learning Outcome: These editions will enhance a stronger familiarity and awareness on the importance of our various actions and what we can do to support and promote sustainability in our daily activities.

No. of Pages: 24
Recommended for Ages: 5-8


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