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Let’s Learn Solar System Activites (Chinese) – Digital Printable

US $1.99

Immersive Solar System Activites is a new resource from Edufrienz that aims to teach kids all about the solar system’s eight planets and what makes them unique. For a dual-language learning experience, this exclusive version includes interactive activities that feature equivalent pinyin (phonetic pronunciation).

Children learn the names of the eight major planets in our solar system and gain an understanding of their characteristics via these educational exercises. With the help of these thoughtfully designed tasks, you will gain a thorough understanding of planetary properties in two languages while having fun doing it.

Bringing a dash of humor and interactive features, the Solar System Activities edition elevates traditional learning materials to a whole new level. As part of our mission to foster holistic cognitive development in children, we want to impart a love of language and a curiosity about the cosmos in bilingual youngsters.

Help us realize the Solar System Activities’ full potential as engaging teaching resources by joining us. Let us equip the youth of today with the knowledge and abilities they’ll need to succeed in the global community—the ability to speak two languages fluently, an appreciation for the natural beauty of our universe, a hunger for knowledge, and strong cognitive capacities.

No. of pages: 15 pages.
Recommended for: 5 to 7 years old.


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