Doodle Learning Content – Values & Behaviours
US $1.99
The Values & Behaviours Edition of Doodle Learning Content is a delightful treasure trove of important characters wrapped in lively colors and stimulating designs, specially created for the curious minds of 3- to 4-year-olds. This edition serves as learning pages that help beginners associate with important values to educate their early learning.
Teachers and Parents can share these colorful illustrations with the children, and explain to them the importance of each of these basic values and behaviors.
To strengthen their learning on the following topics, you can also choose to download our full edition where our young ones can engage in colouring activities to remind and remember the ten different values and behaviours.
Our Doodle Learning editions serve to easy-to-use and learn content to educate the children to acquire elementary learning to gain knowledge on a series of different topics of general information to support their developmental journey
You can choose to show these illustration pages through the use of devices. Printing of this learning content is optional.